
Guided radar level measurement

Continuous level measurement in liquids and solids with guided wave radar sensors 

        Endress+Hauser guided radar level measurements with a Levelflex sensor operates based on the Time of Flight principle. Levelflex works with high-frequency radar pulses which are emitted and guided along the probe. The Time-of-Flight between pulse launching and receiving is measured and analyzed by the instrument and constitutes a direct measure of the distance between the process connection and the product surface.

        Guided radar level measurement is not only well suited to liquids and bulk solids but also the first choice for interface measurement. For usage in a wide range of applications – be it in simple storage tanks, in corrosive or aggressive media or heavy duty applications.

–  Application range: 45m 

–  Process temperature up to 450oC

–  Process pressure up to 400 bar.

Measuring Principle Guided radar

On-site installation of Radiometric level measurement:


Installation of Guided Radar at LPG Total Đà Nẵng:

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